This is a well-written and interesting piece! I like the metaphor of the writer's mind as a farmer's field. It effectively conveys the importance of rest and rejuvenation for creative output.

The quotes from David Ogilvy and Brunello Cucinelli add weight to your argument, showing that successful people prioritize fallow periods.

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Thanks for the positive feedback. I'm glad the metaphor made sense to you! I heard of both those guys from Founders podcast by David Senra- I highly recommend it.

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Lovely post, Ryan. Fallow periods of active recharging are so important to avoid burnout.

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I found myself writing this piece more so as a rule of life than just as a rule for writers. Ideation is just one sphere where the fallow season concept applies very well

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Apr 28Liked by Ryan Hunneshagen

That's my favorite Ben Franklin quote, too. Also, I agree with all of this. I force myself to create every day, but I do find that turning off the creation spigot for a spell is the best way to get it blasting full-force once you turn it back on.

Batching content, then taking a breather, then batching again has been most effective for me.

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Definitely Adam! That means a lot coming from you as you feed yourself on the produce of your mind quite literally. Glad to hear you’re in agreement

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